简介: At a village fête, Poirot runs into an old friend, John Harrison and his fiancé Molly Deane, a fashion model. Harrison invites Poirot and Hastings t
简介: Amelia Barrowby is in fear for her life, fearing someone in her home will kill her. When she sees Poirot at a flower show where he is receiving an a
简介: 法利(阿兰·霍华德 Alan Howard 饰)是当地非常有名的馅饼生产商,性格傲慢的他在社交圈里树敌不少。一天,波洛侦探(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)收到了法利的来信,要求同他见面。 法利告诉波洛自己每夜都在重复同一个噩梦,梦中,他总是于十二点二 八分这个时间点吞枪自尽。这个梦
简介: 波洛(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)在拍卖会上看中了一面非常精美的镜子,哪知道这面镜子却被名为杰维斯的艺术品经销商给高价买走了,不仅如此,杰维斯还聘请了波洛到他的府上,去调查他手底下的一名建筑设计师。 杰维斯太太(艾玛·菲尔丁 Emma Fielding 饰)是一个神神叨叨的女人,
简介: Poirot attends the Victory Ball, a costume party where you are expected to dress as someone famous, as himself. However, when two members of a party