简介: An American institution returns February 20 at 11 PM on IFC. Hosted by Helen Mirren and featuring performances from Fred Armisen, Cate Blanchett, Ow
简介: Season four of the six-time Emmy-nominated series, the first since 2019, will consist of six new episodes parodying documentaries such as Burden of
简介: 凯瑟琳上校(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)率英国情报单位追捕一名女性恐怖分子长达六年,经由美军加入高空监视行动,好不容易在秘密基地找到疑似她的身影,特种部队准备活捉她时,高空侦查人员却意外发现该名恐怖分子正与其他人密谋自杀炸弹攻击,为了防止伤害,凯瑟琳下令轰炸秘密基地将敌人歼灭。当无