简介:After a local photographer wins an urban myth competition with his creation of The Wolf Hunter, it unexpectedly gains a cult following. However, when
简介: After a local photographer wins an urban myth competition with his creation of The Wolf Hunter, it unexpectedly gains a cult following. However, when
简介:电影简介: 《狂沙神驹》根据美国西部顶尖赛马手弗兰克·霍普金斯(Frank T. Hopkins)的真实经历改编而成,是一部充满着动作冒险与个人救赎的史诗巨作。 数个世纪以来每年举办的“火的海洋”(Ocean of Fire)是一项极其艰苦的耐力赛马竞技,3000英里的征程即使在平素地域尚且困难重重