简介:Haneke depicts the emotional story of an adulterous relationship between a journalist and a teacher. The film poignantly explores the difficult dynami
简介:The Mystery of Henri Pick 退稿圖書館,館如其名,專收退稿。不得志的作家可以信步走在其他不得志作家的書稿之間,自行選擇上架的位置,在這種乏人問津的形式中找到安身之處。唯一的要求是,作者必須親自寄存書稿,代表某種徹底放棄的最終遺願。退稿圖書館的訪客不多,名聲卻在一群夢想破滅之人
简介:The 40-Year-Old version is a New York comedy about a down-on-her-luck playwright who thinks the only way she can salvage her voice as an artist is to