简介:纪录片关于蒙特维地亚狂欢节的百年历史及乌拉圭的各种民间音乐和民间舞蹈。 One century of carnavals in Uruguay with old unpublished pictures and tesimonies by several historic"murguistas"
简介:大卫·林奇( David Lynch )的一部鲜为人知的短片以20世纪之交美国西部荒野的一个牧场为背景,讲述了一位头发花白、听觉障碍的牛仔西尔姆( Silm )和他的两个朋友达斯丁( Dusty )和皮特( Pete )捕捉到一个神秘、衣着光鲜的法国人的故事。由于无法理解对方的意思,说俚语的牛仔和不
简介:波兰导演瓦依达一部少见的电视电影短片,改编自苏联科幻作家莱姆(《索拉里斯星》)的同名短篇小说。 Przekladaniec - The story of a racing car driver who undergoes so many transplants that it can no long
简介:GEFANGENE FRAUEN (better known in the US as ISLAND WOMEN) is a fantastic WIP film directed by Erwin Dietrich with an amazing cast the includes Brigitt