简介:David is travelling. He's on a unique trip that doesn't take him from one place to another but from one moment in time to another. Seeking to understa
简介:拉里·大卫(Larry David)主演的这部获得艾美奖和金球奖的标志性喜剧系列《抑制你的热情》(CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM)夸张地描述了这位作家/制片人/喜剧演员的虚构生活。这部喜剧系列继续证明了一个人日常生活中看似微不足道的细节是如何引发一系列灾难性事件的。为了保持叙事的自发性,这
简介: Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them : what is in the basement may well change their liv
简介:洋葱电视台以新闻播报准确及时而著称,同时还制作许多专题采访节目,比如采访动作明星“击蛋侠”(史蒂文?西格 Steven Seagal 饰)和清纯流行偶像歌手梅丽莎?雪莉(莎拉?迈克埃利戈特 Sarah McElligott 饰)等。随着美国的全球性文化输出,就连在中东恐怖分子集训营受训的恐怖分子也偷