简介: Bobby Taylor wants to be a respected actor. From Sam Spade to Shakespeare to superheros, he can do it all. He just has to convince Hollywood that ga
简介:A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel.
简介:泛消费公司已完全掌控了底特律市之后,与日本金光财团合作组建OCP,在底特律开发三角洲城,并招揽雇佣兵组成暴力改建队,驱逐居民,相当数量的拆迁地居民为捍卫家园组成武装力量反抗财阀的不义计划,女童妮科(Remy Ryan Hernandez 饰)凭借高超的电脑技术在反抗军中表现抢眼。机器战警墨菲(Rob
简介: Jean Rollin成功地将僵尸电影悠远的梦幻感与嬉皮时代的表象融合,于是坐镇古堡的不是千年面孔的男僵尸,而是两个长发披肩的嬉皮士少女,一白一黄,七十年代吹捧的典型女孩形象,至于僵尸集团的仪式、成员的行为又像极当时流行的公社生活型态。色彩浓艳,在法国田原的古建筑中注入不少鲜艳的南亚色调,是部花