简介:曾经衷心服务于人类,堪称文明最高代表的赛昂智能机器人,其所引发的叛乱难以想象。第一次赛昂战争战后的第十年,自幼立志报效国家的热血青年威廉·阿达玛(卢克·帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰)以优异且令人叹服的成绩顺利自空军学院毕业。他踌躇满志登上雄伟壮观的卡拉狄加,然而却并未如愿驾驶性能卓
简介:Following the final episode of series two, the BBC subsequently announced that the series had been commissioned for a third run. Michelle Keegan, Luke
简介:在Molly完成了战斗医护兵(CMT,Combat Medical Technician)的训练后,她随着新的第二分队被部署到阿富汗营地,而第二分队所有士兵都是男性。当发现Dylan Smith(昵称Smurf,曾经与Molly有过一夜情)也在第二分队时她感到很不舒服,并且与被誉为英雄的自傲的队长C
简介:Written by Tony Grounds and made by BBC Drama Production for BBC One, Our Girl will return to our screens with Two Section on an African mission, with
简介:Written by Tony Grounds and made by BBC Drama Production for BBC One, Our Girl will return to our screens with Two Section on an African mission, with