简介: Charlie is an expert bricklayer. He has lots of fun and work and enjoys himself greatly while at the saloon. As he leaves work his wife takes the pa
简介: Charlie competes with his fellow shop assistant. He is fired by the pawnbroker and rehired. He nearly destroys everything in the shop and and himsel
简介: Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his burning home (he wants the insurance money) unaw
简介: Charlie is released from prison and immediately swindled by a fake parson. A fellow ex-convict convinces Charlie to help burglarize a house, but Edn
简介: 卓别林(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)把家安排妥当后,要带领全家外出游玩,准备轻松愉快的度过一天的假期。他开着摇摇晃晃的小车带着妻子跟两个儿子出发了,要乘船时他为了免费抱着两个儿子过了检票口坐上了船,在船上卓别林的举止动作十分幽默滑稽让人啼笑皆非,他跳着欢快的舞步直到晕头转向
简介: After a night on the town, Charlie comes home to the house where he is staying, drunk and unable to find his key. For the next twenty minutes he sta