简介:A partisan comes secretly to town to find about what happened to his little son who barely remembers him. He is horrified when he finds out that his s
简介:罗恰拍摄好友巴西著名作家阿马多的纪录短片。 This film was commissioned by Glauber Rocha to be shown on television as a special programme on the great Brazilian writer Jorge
简介:Adele将那些心碎的回忆,化为纠结人心的浪漫旋律,从自弹自唱的宅女摇身一变成为叱吒风云的流行女王。2011年9月22日,Adele首度登上全球歌者的终极圣殿——英国伦敦皇家爱尔伯特音乐厅,《Live At The Royal Albert Hall》完整记录了这一票难求的演唱会完整实况。 全场曲目
简介:故事发生在巴西里约热内卢的贫民窟内,阿塞罗拉(道格拉斯·席尔瓦 Douglas Silva 饰)和拉让辛哈(Darlan Cunha 饰)是生活在那里的两个少年,举目无亲相依为命的两人之间结下了深厚的友谊。尽管才十八岁,但是阿塞罗拉已经是一名父亲了,他目前的首要任务,就是照顾他那被妈妈抛弃的儿子。而
简介:Lucas is having some weird dreams lately. But, are they actually dreams? Or is it his reality taking new shapes otherwise? If it was all something he