简介:Robert is working in Oxford and sending money home whilst Ruby Pratt has returned from Pontefract after splitting with her gentleman friend. Gabriel C
简介:Skam is getting a French remake. Shooting starts on September 25th and we’ll get four seasons. Sana is now called Imane (17-20 yo, MENA or african, mu
简介:恩里科是一名电台DJ,他的工作是接听夜间节目热线电话,倾听陌生人的故事。他和女儿分别居住在巴里和米兰,在一辆夜车上,他遇到了一个神秘的女人......该剧改编自Gianrico Carofiglio的短篇小说《夜间乘客》(Passeggeri notturni)和《失智》(Non esiste sa
简介:When a group of ghost hunters investigate the infamous Jericho Manor, they soon realise it's not just ghosts that go bump in the night! As people get
简介: 马里奥(阿莱西奥•博尼 Alessio Boni 饰)和尼古拉(卢伊吉洛•肖卡 Luigi Lo Cascio 饰)是亲密无间的两兄弟,但是酷爱诗歌的马里奥却在考试中因为与教授意见相左而不及格,相反尼古拉投其所好的表现赢得了医学教授的好评拿到了高分。他们几个朋友相约去毕 业旅行,但是马里奥却带来了