简介:童年时期被养母和没有血缘关系的姐姐虐待的悲惨遭遇让安东尼(德瑞克·卢克 Derek Luke 饰)的性格变得孤僻与扭曲,成年后的他不仅个性残暴没有同情心,并且对女性充满了仇恨。这样的安东尼成为了一名海军,他令人无法忍受的个性不仅折磨着他自己,也给周围的人带来了诸多的麻烦。 在又一次的闯下大祸后,安东
简介:1942年10月,在大学中学习哲学和文学的谢拉(保罗·布里古力亚 Paolo Briguglia 饰)为了证明自己的勇气,以志愿兵的身份抵达位于埃及的北非意军。这支驻防部队的长官菲奥雷中尉面对久久没有换防部队接应的现实变得消沉易怒,谢拉被他分配到里佐中士(皮尔弗朗西斯科·法维诺 Pierfrance
简介:A mysterious young man suffering a rare blood disease that colors his skin blue meets a young woman who looks beyond his unusual appearance as she str
简介:A young Italian noblewoman plots with her lover and her family to murder her abusive father leading to an uproar in the community and the Roman Cathol
简介: Luis, 18, sees only one way to be able to provide for himself and his mother: training at Mexico’s national military academy. The rigid system of vi