简介: Two narrators, one seen and one unseen, discuss possible connections between a series of paintings. The on-screen narrator walks through three-dimen
简介: After the death of his brother, Mick travels to America to seek Justice. Wrongly convicted of extortion and attempted murder, Mick is sent to Pleasa
简介: 一老一少两个在北极冰原上驻站的气象学家除了要面对令人冻僵的天气还要学着处理一样僵持的关系,这样一个现代版的传奇故事发生在一个坐落在北极Chukotka岛的气象站,那是俄罗斯几乎最北靠东部的一个自治区。即使是在夏季岛上的唯一两个临时居民——在这里呆了很久的技术人员Sergei (Sergei Pu