简介:Two Polish women live and work in tense mutual disregard on a dairy farm in Brandenburg - until Tava vanishes. One night she suddenly reappears in Mar
简介:Witnesses is a simple, yet powerful moving trilogy, depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. Each story in the film provides an unusual, yet harrowing
简介:《孩子本色》、《亨利生日派对》导演 Stephen Cone 载誉归来,向香港同志影展观众呈献全新成长电影《公主成人礼》。年少丧母、与郁郁寡欢的父亲同住的主角Cyd一直渴望能离家透透气。到了十六岁这年,她终于可以借着去阿姨家渡假的机会,独自前往另一座城市。这个暑假,Cyd不只与在邻近咖啡店上班的女孩
简介:A young spitfire cowgirl, and her coolheaded Native American friend, race a gang of neighborhood bullies to find a mysterious treasure supposedly havi
简介:In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of fake news in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, c