简介:《悲惨世界》是由法国音乐剧作曲家克劳德米歇尔·勋伯格和阿兰·鲍伯利共同创作的一部音乐剧,改编自维克多·雨果的同名小说。故事以法国大革命为背景,讲述主人公冉阿让在多年前遭判重刑,假释后计划重新作人、改变社会,但却遇上种种困难。该剧于1980年在法国巴黎的Palais des Sports首次公演,原本
简介:Monica teaches, Steve's a photographer. They've dated more than two years. They're arguing, and she leaves for her apartment, only to return in a few
简介: The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called Işık (Bade İşçil) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her you