简介: 故事发生在1899年的纽约,纽约街头处处可见叫卖报纸的报童,因为这些孩子们卖报属于自发行为,一直都没有一个可以管理和保护他们的组织,因此报童们常常受到财大气粗的报业老板们的压榨和剥削。杰克(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)是这些报童中的一员,相比去其他的孩子们,杰克显然要更为
简介: Daniela is unsure about what to do next and where to live. Mia is finishing a master’s degree that she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, a
简介: Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking up the pieces of her shattered childhoo
简介: Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Former boxing champion Horacio Romero is assigned to be