简介:A young girl whose father is an ex-convict and whose mother is a junkie finds it difficult to conform and tries to find comfort in a quirky combinatio
简介:十四岁女孩玛蒂·罗斯(金·达比 Kim Darby 饰)的父亲被流浪汉汤姆·钱尼(杰夫·科里 Jeff Corey 饰)所杀,假小子罗斯发誓要为父报仇。然而狡猾的钱尼已藏身印第安人部落。嗜酒如命的独眼法警鲁本·科格本(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)是西部远近闻名 的法警之一,罗斯慕名找到他,
简介: On leave in a shore side town, Johnny becomes interested in a young dark haired woman. They meet and he learns that she plays a mermaid in the local
简介:势力庞大的两大飞车党帮派“胜利者”与“666”不合,终日充斥在野蛮的杀戮与暴力中。这两大帮派更因为“胜利者”中的组织成员被“666”的成员杀害而剑拔弩张,一场血腥的厮杀一触即发。 “胜利者”老大佩斯特莱若(拉瑞·比肖普 Larry Bishop 饰)决心带领手下,逐渐从各个方面瓦解“666”的势力,