简介: 英国军方一艘绝密的间谍船在希腊发生了爆炸,船上有一个威力无比的发射机(据说它可以使整个北极星飞弹系统全部报废)沉入了海底。这下,不仅英国军方,还有世界各地的间谍、恐怖分子都开始蠢蠢欲动。于是,007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)出动了,他的任务就是尽快毁掉这台发射机。同一时候,哈
简介:国际足球教练在庆功派对中不幸中毒镖毙命,手上的钻石戒指“粉红豹”也随之失踪。谋杀与失窃案迅速成为关注焦点。破案重任落到总探长德雷福斯(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)肩上。无奈中,他想到了最佳破案人选——探员杰奎斯克鲁索(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)。临危受命的克劳索与总探
简介:Andrew, (Eugene Simon) on a quest to uncover hidden truths about his family history, provides a top-secret agency with his DNA in order to discover hi
简介:Cami is sent to a secluded religious center by her father, who mistakes her condition for sex addiction. Unbeknownst to them, a murderer targets the f
简介:The Last Victim is a Neo Western thriller set in the American southwest, following Sheriff Hickey trying to solve the worst case he has seen in his 求爱